The Social Scientist is a non-profit initiative to better the STEM fields. We are a global community of STEM professionals that are dedicating their time for mentorship and career guidance. Fields in STEM are extremely segregated, and it is difficult to determine what career paths are available and accessible. Additionally, many of us lack supportive mentors, an ongoing issue in all countries. We aim to break down barriers for STEM career development. Inquirers range from high school students to STEM professionals looking for advice. Browse our enlisted volunteers by their fields in Academia, Industry, Writing/Publishing, US Government and Alternative Careers. We provide one-on-one mentorship in STEM with experts in various fields.
The Social Scientist volunteers speak upon their career path, and provide valuable insight on the nature of their work. Interesting in becoming a mentor? Schedule chats around your schedule. A little of your time can be tremendous help to others! Take a look at our Interest in Joining page.